The joyous celebration of the nativity of Mother Mary began with the blessing of the new corn at 8.30 am. This was followed by the Eucharistic celebration. Fr Cyril Lobo, Assistant Parish Priest Presided over the Eucharist along with Fr Benjamin Pinto, Parish priest. Fr. Cyril preached on the importance of the Day Mary was holy by birth both spiritually and physically even today Mary gives Jesus to the world that's why we are happy and we call her morning star and also explained importance of girl child and to respecting girl child so her birthday is very unique to us. Fr. Benjamin pinto thanked everyone, and Fr. Cyril lobo released "Mudipuchi Zor" parish Bulletin of September issue and honoured SSLC and PUC students who secured distinction marks. Towards the end of the mass gurkars distributed sheaves of blessed new paddy to the heads of the family. Parish pastoral parishad conducted the liturgy. Choir members sang with their melodious voice which added beauty to the day’s celebration. Finally sugarcane was distributed to all by ICYM members.